The auditory sense is an intuitive and immersive channel to experi- ence our surroundings, which motivates us to augment our percep- tion of the real world with digital auditory content. We present a wearable audio augmented reality prototype that tracks the user with six degrees of freedom in a known environment, synthesizes 3D sounds, and plays spatialized audio from arbitrary objects to the user. Our prototype is built using head-mounted visual-inertial odometry, a sound simulation engine on a laptop, and off-the-shelf headphones. We demonstrate an application in a gallery scenario in which visitors can hear objects and scenes drawn in the paint- ings, feeling audio-visually engaged in the depicted surroundings. In a user study involving 26 participants, we observed that the audio-enhanced exhibition improved people’s experience, as well as helped them remember more lively details of the artworks.