On the Relativistic Structure of Logical Time in Distributed Systems In: Datation et Controle des Executions Reparties, Bigre 78 (ISSN 0221-525), pp. 3-20, 1992 A distributed system, where processes communicate via messages with unpredictable transmission times, is characterized by the fact that no process has an up-to-date and consistent view of the system's global state. Furthermore, the notion of global time does not exist a priori within such a system. However, by defining time to be a partially ordered set of vectors forming a lattice structure, one gets a notion of logical time which is realizable in such a system and which represents the causality structure of events in an isomorphic way. With this definition, the relations "later" and "at the same time" get a new and generalized but adequate interpretation. Interestingly, it turns out that this notion of time is similar in structure to Minkowski's relativistic space-time model. We motivate the concept of "vector time", elaborate its properties, and discuss the analogy to relativistic space-time.