Marc Langheinrich Vlad Coroama, Jürgen Bohn, Michael Rohs As we may live - Real-world implications of ubiquitous computing. Abstract The young field of ubiquitous computing is steadily making progress and gaining attention in both academia and industry. While new gadgets and smart home appliances cannot appear fast enough for many technologists, such rapid introductions of new technologies often come with unexpected side-effects. Due to the unique scope of ubiquitous computing as a tool for our everyday life, these side-effects might have serious implications for the way we live in the future. This paper explores a number of effects that a large-scale deployment of ubiquitous computing technology in the real world may have. Its intention is to raise awareness for a technical design that takes the concerns of the average citizen into account, as well as to serve as point of departure for further interdisciplinary research in the field.