Small logo of ETH main building ETH Zurich : Computer Science : Pervasive Computing : Distributed Systems : Education : Student Projects : Abstract

Embedded Electricity Metering - A restful embedded smart meter gateway (L)

Status: Abgeschlossen

This work aims at developing a gateway on an embedded device for the eMeter System [1]. The architecture of the system is based on three independent components (see Figure): a smart electricity meter with the connected devices that are monitored in the household, a gateway that manages and provides access to the data acquired by the smart electricity meter, and the portable user interface on a mobile device. The goal of this work is to develop and extend the REST-ful gateway functionality which currently is provided by a standard server on an embedded device (e.g. Gumstix) [3].

Required skills: Curiosity and interest in embedded devices; Web programming, Linux skills, and knowledge of embedded devices is a plus.

Depending on the final definition of the work you can either do a lab, master or bachelor thesis.


If interested email me or just stop by.

Student/Bearbeitet von: David Abdurachmanov
Contact/Ansprechpartner: Markus Weiss

ETH ZurichDistributed Systems Group
Last updated September 9 2016 10:31:27 AM MET mw