The Joint Symposium ASA-MA 2000 Department of Computer Science
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
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2nd International Symposium on Agent Systems and Applications (ASA 2000)
4th International Symposium on Mobile Agents (MA 2000)

September 13-15, 2000
ETH Zürich

February 2004 ASA/MA 2000 Proceedings now online
at SpringerLink (LNCS 1882).
December 2000 ASA/MA 2000 Photoalbum available.
November 2000 MA 2001 Web site up and running!
September 2000 ASA/MA 2000 has ended! We thank
all authors and attendees for their
contributions and participation!

The Joint Symposium on Agent Systems and Applications / Mobile Agents (ASA/MA) is a premiere forum for bringing together a wide variety of professionals in the field of agent technology. ASA/MA 2000 built on the success of 1999's first Joint Symposium ASA/MA '99, held in Palm Springs, which in turn continued the series of International Mobile Agents Workshops, MA'98 and MA'97. The 2000 symposium took place in Zurich, Switzerland from September 13 to 15, 2000. It was organized by ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, and took place in its ETZ Building in central Zurich. The ASA/MA 2000 Proceedings have been published by Springer-Verlag (LNCS 1882).

We thank all authors and attendees for their contributions and participation, and look forward to seeing you at MA 2001!

Friedemann Mattern, General Chair
David Kotz, Program Chair

Join: Registration . Accommodation . IBM Student Awards! Where: Location . Zurich . Travel Info
Contribute: Call for Papers . Call for Posters . Submissions Who: Committees . ETH . Our Sponsors
What: Technical Program . Tutorials . Banquet . Excursions ASA/MA 2000 Quick Access

In cooperation with IEEE-CS's TCI
IEEE Computer Society
Proceedings published by Springer Verlag
ASA/MA 1999 US mirror
Last updated June 20 2023 01:45:22 PM MET ml